After your trademark has been registered, it is important to keep an eye on new trademark registrations. Conflicting, confusing trademarks may be registered. Without good monitoring of your trademark you are not aware of these trademarks. Our trademark monitoring service screens new trademark applications continuously. You will be informed quickly of new conflicting trademark applications so that you can act timely. Our trademark monitoring service is free of charge in the year of filing your trademark application.
Submit your request
File a trademark, ask for a quote or conduct a trademark search. We respond as soon as possible.

TM registration
Only if your trademark is registered, you can act against the use and abuse of your trademark, logo or packaging.

a new brand?
Is your trademark still available? How to avoid and manage the risks with the launch of a new brand / logo / trade name?

international mark
A mark is protected only when registered in a country. First come, first served. We register trademarks worldwide.

IP management
For efficient and accurate management of brand portfolios, experience and expertise are essential. Try us out.